Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Spargel Season!

Germans love spargel.  Over the last month, white asparagus, known as spargel in German, has popped up in the grocery store, in restaurants, and for sale on the side of the road. 

Spargel can actually get quite expensive for the 'premium' varieties, and cost between 0.75 Euro/kg at a discount grocery store, and up to 10 Euro/kg at the farmer's market..  The cost is higher for stalks that are straight, thick, and perfectly white (some can have a lavender color close to the tip).  Apparently it is difficult to grow, and must be shielded from the light so that it stays white. 

Since I am a veggie fanatic, I was very excited to try something new.  Traditionally it is steamed and served smothered in Hollandaise sauce.  I am not a fan of creamy sauces, so I have been sautéing it with olive oil, salt, and pepper.  I also made a spargel and mushroom cream soup, which was good, but not great.  Many vegetables here are only available on a seasonal basis, and I think that adds to the spargel craze, because once it is gone, it will be gone until next spring. 

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