Monday, January 26, 2015

Visiting the Dachau Concentration Camp

Over the holiday break, my mom and sister were here visiting, and we decided to go visit the Dachau Concentration Camp.  I had been wanting to visit since we moved here, and was so grateful that I was able to share the experience with them.  My husband had visited many years ago during a business trips, so he volunteered to stay home with the kids.

Main gate to the camp.
Dachau is located about 10 miles northwest of Munich, and a little over an hour from where we live. It was the first concentration camp opened (1933) and used as a model for other camps.
For complete information:  (Wikipedia) Dachau Concentration Camp

The main gate held a door that said "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" meaning 'work will set you free'. The gate was despicably stolen in November 2014, and has not yet been found.  The forced labor was used to torture and punish the prisoners, even to death.   

Above is the yard where prisoners lined up everyday for counting, and were also forced to stand for extremely long durations as punishment. 

The barracks at the memorial were recreated to show how prisoners were housed.  There were originally 32 barracks, which were ultimately leveled and are now indicated by their concrete foundations and concrete numbered stones.

Bunk beds stacked three high.

Locker room with tables and stacked stools.

Washing area for prisoners.

Toilet facility.

Central walkway through the camp that originally was
lined by the 32 baracks.

Former barrack #3

That camp was used for 12 years by the Nazi Regime.  During that time, there were over 206,000 prisoners recorded, and approximately 32,000 recorded deaths.  This number is known to be grossly inaccurate due to the effort to conceal deaths and the chaos of prison transports and death marches at the end of the war.

The prisoners came from 30 different countries, with two-thirds being political prisoners (Communists, scientists, Gypsies, writers, military personnel, politicians, resistance fighters), and one-third Jews.  There were also more than 2,700 priests (mostly Catholic) imprisoned at Dachau.

Pistol range used for executions.
Gas chamber disguised as a shower.

Inside the crematorium

Many prisoners were executed by firing squad, and some by gas chamber, but most of the prisoners died from starvation and disease.  There were also upwards of 400 'experiments' performed on prisoners, such as induced high-altitude and hypothermia.  During those experiments 80-90 people died.

Site where the ashes were discarded from the crematorium.

"Grave of Many Thousands Unknown"

The museum at Dachau provides a great deal of information.  Entrance to the facility is free, and there was a small fee for tours or use of an audio-guide.  We chose to use the self-guided audio tour, which lasted about 2-1/2 hours.  

Visiting the concentration camp was a gut wrenching experience.  The day we were there was very cold, and it was snowing in the way where it seems like the snowflakes are dancing upwards, which gave it a very eerie feeling.

Even now in Europe and across the world, people have so much fear and hatred for cultures other than their own.    With recent events in Paris, the Middle East, and many protests against foreigners in European cities, it is easy to see that the fear that led to these horrific crimes during World War II are still always sitting just beneath the surface.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chowing Down at the Christmas Market

'Egg Punch'
Unfortunately, not as good as eggnog!
When we go to the Christmas market, it is quite clear that eating, drinking, and being merry is what people are there to do!  The food at the market if far from healthy, and certainly not gourmet, but it is just so much fun to eat sausage outside surrounded by Christmas cheer.

'Fire Sausage' and French fries
REALLY spicy
This year I tried to get around to the different food stands and try the different offerings. Unfortunately, it often didn't occur to me to take a picture of something until there were only two bites left.   But, I thought I could share the pics I did manage to take.

Fresh-made waffle with cinnamon sugar
There was a stand that offered small cheese and antipasti trays, which we hit up a couple of times.  It was a nice way to try some new cheeses that we wouldn't typically have chosen.  They also offered baguettes smeared with different flavored cream-cheese-type spreads that looked delicious.

Roasted Chestnuts
It is amazing to me that the food is served on real dishes with real utensils.  When you pay for a meal, you give a deposit that you then get back when you return the dishes.  I think that would never happen in the US, where we always get plastic throw-away dishes and utensils!

Gulash soup
 Something we discovered this year were the 'feuerzangenbowle'.  With a cup of mulled red wine, a spoon is placed over the top with a sugar cube, and extra rum poured over the cube.  The rum is then lit on fire and the sugar caramelizes and drips into the wine.  It is a fun drink, but a bit terrifying trying to push through the crowd of people with a fire ball in your hand. 

'Fire-Tongs Punch' mulled wine

Fried apple cake with cinnamon sugar
The apple cakes, along with the candied nuts were my favorite indulgences at the market.  The kids loved the made-to-order cotton candy, baked apples, and bratwurst.  Needless to say, 'go on a diet' is at the top of my New Year's Resolutions. 

Traditional gingerbread heart cookie
It says 'My sweetie'
We so enjoyed the festive atmosphere at the Christmas market, with the tantalizing aroma of all the different foods.  Going to the market was a fun way to spend some family-time together, and it was fun to bump into friends there.  While this was our second Christmas in Germany, I am already sad that next Christmas will probably be our last here.  Seeing these wonderful differences in culture and traditions is the reason we are here, and we are loving (almost) every minute!

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Sounds of Silence

Wow.  After the last five months I feel like I can finally breath easy again.  My German course is endlich over, the Christmas tree is out by the curb, and the kids are back to school.  We made it through the holidays.  Phew.

But we had an AMAZING holiday season!  We did so many fun things and I hope to share as much as I can here on the blog.  My mom and my sister came to visit, which was so special, and I was so sad to see them leave.

Me and my mom

We had so much fun going to the Christmas Market in Ulm.  December seemed milder this year than last year, so we were at the market more frequently. The kids were really interested in going to the Christmas market, and I often took them after school.  I had hoped to visit some of the other Christmas markets, but we always had such a good time at the one here in our own town that our ambition to make road trips wasn't too great.

For the first time in a LONG time (almost 20 years?) I had the opportunity to celebrate Hanukkah with other Jewish families.  Over the last year I have met two Israeli families, who have invited us to celebrate the Jewish holidays in their homes.  I was so happy that my kids have the opportunity to see that other families also celebrate Jewish holidays.

Our collection of Menorahs from four Jewish families.

Chanukkah craft with my daughter's class.

My absolute favorite thing about living in Germany is learning about the cultures of our friends here. My friends from Slovenia taught me how to properly roast chestnuts over an open fire and make mulled white wine.  Our friends from Denmark threw a fantastic traditional Danish Christmas luncheon that had around eight courses, and almost as many different kinds of schnapps!
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.

Drinking gluhwein with friends on a cold
winter's night.

After all the excitement of the holiday season, January usually seems a bit dull.  But to be honest, I am loving the sounds of silence in my house right now.  I can easily say that 2014 was the best year of my life, and I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store.  Hopefully lots of Alpine skiing!!

Our first attempt at skiing this season.
(Schetteregg, Austria)