Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Photos from Strasbourg, France

Cathedrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg

Back in the Summer we headed over to Strasbourg, France to check out the Alsace Region, which is famous for storks and wine.   If I remember correctly, it was about a four hour car trip from Ulm. 

We enjoyed this restaurant and got to sit down by the water!
Ryan loved this fountain

We visited the typical tourist sights, did a lot of walking, and poked our heads into a few souvenir shops.  Unfortunately, we didn't do a lot of wine tasting.  Despite the fact that we take our kids everywhere with us, we didn't feel that having the kids along would be a very relaxing wine tasting experience.  I did buy a few bottles to taste at home though!


Protesters camping outside the European Parliament
What a lovely bakery window!

We visited the Parc de l'Orangerie in search of storks, and found only a few.  Now that we know what storks look like, we see them frequently in Germany!

This looks much more relaxing than it actually was...
the kids fought over the oars the whole time!

Ryan was really looking excited to try escargot, and he really liked them!  He wanted to order them at every restaurant we went to, but they aren't exactly cheap!  He was also in crème brulee heaven.  Eating regional foods and trying new things is definitely our favorite part of travelling!

Ryan eating Escargot
Strasbourg was nice because it was an easy city to visit with kids, and great for a quick dose of French cuisine and culture.  It was a great base for visiting some of the smaller (quainter) towns in the area, and if I had to do it again, I would have only spent one night in Strasbourg instead of three, and then also a spend a night or two in Colmar, which is south of Strasbourg along the 'Route de Vins' (wine road).  Hopefully we will make it back to Colmar, and I also hope to travel much more in France!

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