Friday, September 20, 2013

Willkommen im Deutschland...

So...We have survived the first three weeks of living in Germany!  I have decided that I am going to *try* to blog about our family's adventures living as expats, so that I can share our stories with family and friends back in the US.  Even in the three weeks we have been here, we already have lots of stories to share!
At this point in our adventure, Dan and Ryan are settling into work and school, respectively. Meredith and I have visited three houses, and have 3 more to visit next week.  By Monday, we should have our cars, and be done with the TEDIOUS process of leasing cars in Germany. 
This weekend's adventure will be a trip to the Alps for a festival celebrating cows! Can't wait!
The Munster

Ulm farmer's market

statue in Ulm

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